Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Inflation Lab

Monday, July 22, 2013

Databases In Hotels

As we have learned a database is "a collection of information organized to provide efficient retrieval". This can obviously be applied to many businesses in any field. A bank must keep a database of money in accounts and a store maintains a database of all the items it has in stock. Databases can be more though. Google keeps a database of images and Netflix has it's database of videos. [1] One database system that interests me is how a hotel can keep track of all of the rooms it has available and keeping track of various prices of different rooms. Through some research, Microsoft Access, a popular database program, seems to have all the tools a manager would need to fully operate a small or large scale hotel. [2] With the help of this powerful program a user could keep track of all the rooms in the building and their status, number of beds, and pricing along with other information like employees and their pay roll. [3] This all inclusive software can also be used to create reports to give to marketing teams to try to increase sales and profitability. There are even full time jobs for maintaining databases. Here is one i found online that lists responsibilities like: Supporting and monitoring the Hotel Partner Hotline 800 number and addresses hotelier concerns. Coaching and educating hotels on operational policies and procedures. Ensuring that each new hotel is functioning properly and has a comprehensive understanding of the Priceline program prior to activation by test booking all new hotels. Databases are really a massive field that one could study and take a full time job in. [4] 1. What specific challenges does your database system implementation have? One problem I could see is the issue of connecting several hotels together as we see in chains like Hilton or Marriott. Single hotels could manage their own data but if company executives wanted to have access to all the data from all the hotels, there could be a problem. A solution would be to implement cloud computing and linking all of the data together or storing it in a central data center for the company. 2. In what ways does it provide competitive advantage for the organization using it? A computerized database grants a huge advantage in speed vs a company keeping track of rooms manually. Also, computers can implement tactics like data mining to find trends in the staying habits of customers to try and make them book more frequently. 3. What improvements would you suggest? One interesting improvement could be giving customers access online to some parts of the database to make reservations. This could eliminate the need to store the availability of rooms twice, once in the database and once online. If this is done, hotels could probably save money on storage or use the same storage to store some other sort of data. [1] http://www.usg.edu/galileo/skills/unit04/primer04_01.phtml [2] http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/access/access-2010-database-software-features-and-benefits-HA101809011.aspx [3] http://www.functionx.com/access/applications/ceilinn.htm [4] http://www.fairfieldcountyjobs.com/job/13920871/hotel-database-analyst/

Blog List

To make my Blog List i went to the layout of my blog and then clicked add widget from the side bar where I wanted to place it. I then took all the blog URLs from the moodle forum and added them to the list. I sorted by most recently updated. Adding all the widgets seems very natural and user friendly.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Mobile Hardware and Software

With people becoming more and more connected to technology it is becoming necessary that people are constantly in touch with their data. Mobile solutions to business problems are being cheaper and are now seen everywhere. The first solution I would bring to my company is the implementation of netbooks. These are a toned down version or laptop or notebook computers. They are both smaller and cheaper. They also sacrifice some computing power, but the main purpose of these machines are not to do any heavy computing. They are a great solution to let employees take their work with them home and increase productivity. An even cheaper and more portable way to let employees work at home is using flash drives. This will let workers transport documents they are working on between home and work in a simple and effective fashion. Next, I would provide employees with company smart phones like the Apple iPhone. With these, I would always be able to reach my employees. Also, they would be able to answer urgent emails and take care of other business tasks on the go. This would be used in conjunction with Personal Information Managers or PIMs to keep track of important employee and client information. This information would then be synced with the main computer system of the company to allow employees with sufficient access levels to get hold of this information to allow higher ups the chance to also get in touch with clients and any employee they need to talk to. Finally, I would encourage the use of cloud computing especially when using word processors or spreadsheets. This would make sure that all data is backed up to "the cloud" and in case of computer failure, the data would not be lost. Also, the use of the cloud like with Google Docs allows other people to access and collaborate with you on your work from any computer or mobile device. With all of these devices, a company can become highly mobile and can work from anywhere.